Idiotic People
This idiot in an Excursion stops, mostly in the drive lane, right in front of the store. Gets out, Wife gets out and starts taking out a stroller, guy gets his toddler (well maybe she was 3) out of the vehicle (on the traffic side mind) and takes her to the back corner closest to traffic of the Tank they were in. We are creeping by, trying no to hit any other vehicles since this guy is hanging his ass in the damn way, watch to make sure the kid doesn't move in front of us, course I am lookin at the guy like he is a total moron (which he seems to be by what he is doing), we park and start to walk in, well MR Idiot is waiting, WITH HIS 2 KIDS ONE OF WHICH IS IN A STROLLER and starts talkin shit to us, trying to block my Dad's path with the kid in the stroller. Then try's to ram my dad all the while talkin shit about us drivin by him when he has his kid standing in traffic!!!
Keeps this up after my Dad turns to him and tells him he doesn't want to start anything with us. Guy keeps up with this shit. I mean come on, say your shit and move on, don't try and pick a fight with 2 people with your kid's stroller WHILE YOU HAVE 2 LITTLE KIDS. That is stupid, dangerous and not to mention, unsafe for his kids. What kinda guy is this. Must not care much for his kids if he is doing this shit with them right there. I could have understood if he left the kids with the wife and started talkin shit, but with both of em right there, what an ass. Last thing I said to the guy was when he got in my Dad's face, simply told him, you don't want to get in to this with us man. Jackass follows us around the store tailing my Dad, course I cut up and behind this guy, but Dad circles to find me, dipshit still followin him, does this back and forth across the store, till we get around all the computer stuff and Shit for brains looses us in the crowd.
Is this what parents are comin to these days?? Trying to pick fights with multiple adversaries WITH 2 LITTLE KIDS IN TOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope the guy find this and reads it. Get's pissed cause I let the world know what an ass he is,
to you jackoff, take better care of your family man. if you have to start shit, don't do it with the kids in tow and don't use your daughters stroller to pick the fight.