Friday, August 20, 2004

Well this sucks

Well finally get a call from the TSA.
This call was so I could bring my uniforms in while this 'investigation' goes on.
There is no investigation from what I have seen, the figured I am not an immediate threat, so they just shelve my file, till "They can get to it" this could have been resolved in under a bloody week, if they cared to, but I don't think they really give a hoot, makes it look like they are looking in tot he "security" of the airport and keeping and "eye on the TSA employees" No one at the airport seems to know anything, hell no one seems to really care I think. One common thread thou is when I talk to people about this they have the SAME OPTION, it is Bullshit, and wonder why it is taking them this long to figure out that I have a different sense of humor than most, and don't really mean half of what I say, specially when I am bullshitin with people.
