Thursday, August 12, 2004

Another Damn Thing

Here is something that is kinda chapping my ass.
These twits are in such a hurry to figure out if I am a 'threat' because of a joking comment, then I don't here shit for a month, WTF glad I don't have kids or a house payment to worry about, I would be really annoyed then. And when I call to setup a time to turn my crap in while I am suspended, what do I get, VOICE MAIL.
Now I am back to waiting, since no one I can call knows dick about what is going on with this whole screwed up situation. Guess I really am the Head Mushroom. Kept in the Dark and Covered in Shit. Guess I go back to the old routine of odd computer jobs and killing bugs just to pay my bills till these yaywhos get their shit straight and decide if I am fired, have a job, or if I really am going to kill myself cause I am SOOOOOO mad at my team and want to blow them up with me.
(that is a joke for the more anal people out there)
I mean WTF kinda logic do these people use, I am so mad at you I am going to blow myself up just to kill someone else.

Ahh well just as well, I needed a vacation
