Thursday, October 06, 2005

Terms of Use

Terms of Use

And they wonder why the FTC wants to shut them down. I mean come on
with crap like this

V -The user understands and acknowledges that the application and associated components may communicate from time to time with Odysseus Marketing, Inc server systems and/or that of its partners, and gives express permission for said communications and data transmissions of any and all types used by the application and any associated components.

VI -The user understands, acknowledges and agrees that the application and associated components may alter Internet browsing and/or computer user experiences in a manner acceptable to Odysseus Marketing Inc, in its sole discretion, including but not limited to, search engine query results, display of pop-up window messages, highlighting and hyperlinking of words on web pages, redirection of error message pages, changing of user home page, addition of bookmarks to user's browser, and/or other alterations/modifications.

VII -The user understands, acknowledges, and gives express permission for the application and/or associated components to collect personal information, including, but not limited to, name, demographic data, interests, profession, education, marital status, sex, age, income, and any other information Odysseus Marketing, Inc. decides to collect regarding user, at its sole discretion.

VIII -The user understands, acknowledges, and gives express permission for the application and/or associated components to collect information and data regarding Internet activity, including web sites visited, search queries conducted, applications installed and used, files present on user's hard drive or system, transactions conducted, and any other behavioral data deemed necessary by Odysseus marketing, Inc in its sole discretion.

IX -User understands, acknowledges, and gives express permission for the use of any data collected by Odysseus Marketing it sees fit, including the sharing, rental, or sale of any of said data or any portion thereof to any entity at the sole discretion of Odysseus Marketing, Inc. User expressly indemnifies and holds harmless Odysseus Marketing Inc. from any liability or consequence arising out of the possession, use, sale, or transfer of said data, and grants the ownership of any said collected data to Odysseus Marketing, Inc, including the rights to transfer ownership to another entity at any time for any reason. User understands and acknowledges that the permission granted for collection and use of data is irrevocable and survives any removal of the application and associated components.


Is it any wonder why they got busted.

I think a We Will do what we want to YOUR computer policy is a better name for it.
Or maybe a Give US control of YOUR computer agreement.